Fellow Portrait
Elizabeth Campillo
Work Up Bienestar Empresarial
Health programs that improve employees’ well-being and increase their productivity.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Updated March 2009
With demanding work schedules and little vacation, employees in Mexico frequently suffer from stress and exhaustion, affecting their performance and well-being. Traditionally, their companies have not taken measures to address these issues. However, as awareness of healthier lifestyles has increased, this corporate culture has begun to change. Recognising an opportunity to contribute to this evolution, Elizabeth Campillo started Work Up Bienestar Empresarial in 2008. The company creates customised health, coaching, fitness and nutritional programs that improve employee well‑being and productivity.
Where did you get the idea for Work Up Bienestar Empresarial?
I was running a spa and fitness center in Mexico City and I wanted to attract more clients. So I met with the HR departments of several large companies. I discovered they all had stress-related human resources problems, including low employee morale, chronic absenteeism and high staff turnover. These problems all led to low productivity.
Seeing an opportunity, I set up Work Up Bienestar Empresarial, which offers companies health, coaching, fitness and nutrition programs for their employees. We also provide relaxation workshops and massages. Both sides benefit: companies increase their productivity, and employees improve their health and quality of life at work and at home.
One year on, what achievement are you most proud of?
I would have to say our work with Mexican telecommunications giant, Movistar, which has 2,800 employees. When we first met with them, employee morale was relatively low. After we worked with the management to implement our program, the company was named as one of the top 25 best places to work in Mexico within six months. It’s extremely satisfying to see our work achieving such results.
Work Up Bienestar Empresarial is the only company in Mexico specialising in comprehensive corporate wellness. What are the keys to tapping into a brand-new market?
• Experience: I ran my spa and fitness center for three years before starting Work Up Bienestar Empresarial.
• Perseverance: never give up.
• Attention to detail: it’s the little things that set you apart.
• Careful evaluation of the risks and rewards before making decisions.
• Focus on results: day-to-day work can consume your life. You need to focus on the activities that produce results.
Who are your female role models?
Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop. She was a trailblazer who put her own values into her business. She didn’t have any formal business training. She just started with a simple idea and turned it into an international brand.
Another woman who inspires me is Frida Kahlo. She expressed her deepest emotions through her art and was proud of her Mexican origins.
And how do you see yourself as a role model for women in Mexico?
I want to show what it means to be a modern Mexican woman by running a successful business and showing people a healthier way to live. Women have a lot to offer as entrepreneurs. We are intuitive and assertive. We are constantly coming up with simple ideas and solutions in our everyday lives that would make great businesses.
If you win, how will it help you achieve your larger goals?
Ultimately, I want to be a market leader in corporate wellness, working with the largest and most prestigious companies in Mexico and Latin America. Winning this award would help me get there more quickly!