Jury Member
Aliya Maulesheva
Director of Business Kids Education Group and Co-Founder of Eurasian Kids Initiative
Aliya Maulesheva
Aliya Maulesheva is the Director of Business Kids Education Group and co-founder of Eurasian Kids Initiative. She supports the development of young talents, business startups and initiatives through educational programs and mentorship.
Aliya is a serial entrepreneur, educational innovator, and mentor for young startups.
Having introduced innovative educational practices in the CIS region, she is currently the founder and CEO of the Business Kids education group, an international network of youth development centers with locations in over 80 cities across Eurasia. She is also the co-founder of the Eurasian Kids initiative - a platform for profession and career advice for young adults.
Business Kids platform offers youth entrepreneurship programs, focusing on developing critical entrepreneurial skills for young adults (financial literacy, business modelling, smart planning, presentation, and negotiation skills) and helping them develop ideas into startups through BK Innovation Lab.
She has also built and developed a network of advanced mathematical training centers for children, which provide the next education of learners with a unique mathematics curriculum. With the help of a proprietary learning system, students are able to take advantage of their latent mental power at an early age and develop advanced mental arithmetic and memory capabilities. Through this, Aliya has led a team of over 2000 students to set three World Records in Mathematics ( 2018, 2019, 2021)
Aliya is a former Wall Street banker and holds Master’s degree from Columbia University and Bachelor’s degree from the London School of Economics.