Jury member
Maribel Guerrero
Social and Entrepreneurial Researcher

Latin America & the Caribbean
Maribel Guerrero
Maribel is an inspiring social (entrepreneurial) researcher to generate scholarly impacts on society via teaching, research, and engagement. For her, innovation and entrepreneurship are the fuel of well-being and development in a society.
Maribel Guerrero is an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management at the Global Center for Technology Transfer, School of Public Affairs (Arizona State University, USA), and Professor of Entrepreneurship at the School of Business and Economics (Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile). She is also an affiliated member of the CIRCLE – Centre for Innovation Research (Lund University, Sweden) and research visiting at the BEROC – Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Centre (Belarus), EGADE Business School – Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), and Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (Mexico). Previously, she was a researcher at the Basque Institute of Competitiveness (Spain) and an associate professor at the Deusto Business School (Spain).
Dr. Guerrero holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. in Business Economics at the Department of Business of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). Her main research interests are:
• the determinants of intra/entrepreneurial activities developed by individuals, public organizations, and private organizations
• the impacts of intra/entrepreneurial activities on the societal, economic, and technological development of economies
• the configuration/evolution of entrepreneurship and innovation eco-systems
• the effectiveness of technology transfer policy frameworks and public management
• the role of diversity and minority on the configuration of entrepreneurship eco-systems and the socio-economic impacts
She has published many papers in leading journals, such as the Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Journal of Technology Transfer, Technovation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Industry and Innovation, and Journal of Business Research. Also, she has served as editor of books related to entrepreneurial universities, the effectiveness of public policies, and regional competitiveness (Springer, Edward Elgar).
Dr. Guerrero is the founding director of the Spanish Observatory of University Entrepreneurship (2016) and a founding member of the Northumbria Centre for Innovation, Regional Transformation, and Entrepreneurship (iNCITE, 2018). She had participated/leaded international research projects sponsored by Santander Bank, Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA), Spanish Ministries (Education, Economy, and Industry), Regional Spanish Governments (Catalonia and Basque Country), the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), the Chilean Research Council (CONICYT), the IFC World Bank Development (Belarus), the HEInnovate platform sponsored by the OCDE/European Commission, the Misum Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden), and the AACSB (USA). She has been accredited by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (Abroad Mexican Researcher, CONACYT), the fellowship of the UK Higher Education Association, and the Basque Country.
An active research fellow from the outstanding international projects that measure entrepreneurship: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), Panel Studies of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED), Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS), and Project for Family Enterprising (STEP). She also serves on the board of the Journal of Technology Transfer (Associate Editor), Journal of Small Business Journal (Associate Editor), Small Business Economics (Editor), Technology Forecasting and Social Change (Advisory Board), Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Reviewer Board), Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (Reviewer Board), Research Policy (Review Board). Moreover, she serves on the AoM Entrepreneurship Division Executive Committee (re-elected treasurer 2018-2023), a board member of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Association (GERA 2021-2023), the current director of GEM Chile (since 2019), and a fellow of the Technology Transfer Society, and others services to the field.
Regarding scholarly impacts, her research on entrepreneurial universities1 has contributed with a replicable conceptual framework and robust methodologies to provide a better understanding of the factors (organizational and environmental), outcomes (teaching, research, and transfer activities), and impacts (job seekers, intrapreneurs, academic entrepreneurs, spin-offs, technology transfer) associated with the creation and development of entrepreneurial universities in different contexts (Brazil, Belorussia, Egypt, Iran, Mexico, Spain, US, UK) and managerial implications (used by the European Commission and OECD in the development of a Guiding Framework for Entrepreneurial Universities and case studies, as well as, in the foundation of the Observatory of Spanish Universities sponsored by CRUE, Red Emprendia, and CISE)2. Secondly, her research on intrapreneurship has contributed to new conceptual and methodological approaches to understanding the conditions (human capital, work environment, and macroeconomic), the outputs (spin-outs, spin-in), and the outcomes (economic and social) generated by companies with an entrepreneurial orientation (risk-taking, innovativeness, pro-activeness) that support entrepreneurial initiatives from their employees in diverse countries (Entrepreneurial Employee Special Topic sponsored by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor consortium).
About The Global Center for Technology Transfer
The Global Center for Technology Transfer at ASU is a collaboration between four university units (the School of Public Affairs, W.P. Carey School of Business, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, and Thunderbird School of Global Management), bound together with a singular goal: to bridge the gap between technology transfer research and managerial practice and public policy formation.
Vision: To be recognized as the leading entity in the world for bridging research and practice on tech transfer at universities and federal/national labs and its connection to entrepreneurial growth, economic, and social development, with a focus on the intersection of “micro” and “macro” issues. We aspire to be the world leader in executive education for intellectual property managers at firms, universities, federal/national labs, and public research institutes, and managers of incubators/accelerators and science/technology parks.
Approach: The GCTT addresses the weaknesses in tech transfer research and practice, which has been (historically) based on a singular disciplinary foundation, especially with an emphasis on “macro” issues, such as strategy and organizational performance. However, the intersection of “micro”/individual qualities (e.g., neurological and psychological) of scientists/entrepreneurs, and the macro characteristics relating to management, organizational, technological (e.g., AI), and socio-cultural processes, is key to successful technology transfer.
About the School of Economics and Business
In 1990 the UDD opens its doors in Concepción with 100 students enrolled in the Business Administration career. From then on, the School of Economics and Business of the Universidad del Desarrollo has been recognized as one of the best business schools in Chile, thanks to its high academic quality, its prestigious teaching staff, and the strong spirit of entrepreneurship and leadership.
With around 2,500 undergraduate and 200 graduate students, in addition to a powerful network of 5,000 graduates, FEN is a benchmark in Chile for its innovative teaching methodology and for its close relationship with the business sector.
Mission: Contribute to economic and social development through the generation and dissemination of advanced knowledge and the training of professionals of excellence in the field of management and economics, who are distinguished by their entrepreneurial capacity, global mindset, innovative attitude and who are capable to become protagonists in generating value and impact in organizations.
Vision: To be recognized as the leading Faculty in the training of professionals with an entrepreneurial spirit, and a Latin American reference in research on entrepreneurship and innovation and the business development.